health center

2018 Health Fee Adjustment Consultation Process


Most students will use medical, counseling, or health education services during their time at Humboldt, and a healthier campus has a positive effect on the success of every student. With limited community resources, Humboldt’s on-campus Health and Wellbeing Services are the only resource for many students.

You may wish to take a look at the relevant information on this site including the data on increasing student needs, cost factors unique to our region, answers to frequently ask questions, and any other information you would like, and then share your thoughts about your priorities.

The information pertaining to Humboldt's 2018 Health Fee Adjustment Consultation Process is provided below: 


Based on the recommendation of the Student Fee Advisory Committee and the Alternative Consulation process, the Student Health & Wellbeing Services fee should be adjusted.


National College Health Assessement @ Cal Poly Humboldt Univeristy 2018


Health Fee Adjustment Consultation Report and 5-year Strategic Plan: The full report, summarized in the Execuitve Summary above, provides information on the needs for health fee adjustment, the alternative consultation process, and the Student Health and Wellbeing Services 5-year Strategic Plan. 


The following appencies are available to the public, which were part of campus education durring the alternative consultation process:


Appendix A: Health Fee Adjustment Website Survey - A website was created specifically for the student health fee adjustment campaign to allow students to learn and share perspectives on prioritization via survey.


Appendix B: Handbills


Appendix C: Posters created by MarCom were distributed across campus between February 1st and March 9th, 2018


Appendix D: Open forums occurred on February 23rd from 5:00pm - 6:30pm and March 5th from noon - 1:30 pm


Appendix E:  Students received 2 emails from the Office of Institutional Effectiveness asking for participation in the National College Health Survey. The survey included questions about the fee adjustment and prioritization.


Appendix F: Email 1 from the Vice President of Student Affairs directing them to the Humboldt Healthier Together website, open forums, and to look for an email regarding the NCHA survey.


Appendix G:  Email 2 from the Vice President of Student Affairs directing them to the Humboldt Healthier Together website, open forums, and to look for an email regarding the NCHA survey.


Appendix H: Email 3 from the Vice President of Student Affairs directing them to the Humboldt Healthier Together website, open forums, and to look for an email regarding the NCHA survey.


 Appendix I: Powerpoint presentation to Associated Students and University Senate


Appendix J:  Presentations to Greeks and Clubs, Women of Color Talk, Kinesiology class, Social Work 456


Appendix K:  Posters and quarter sheets regarding the NCHA survey were distributed


Appendix L:  Email was sent to listservs SEALS, Latinx, Deans, Wellbeing Ambassadors, Student Affairs Staff, Social Work


Appendix M:  Announcement on student portal


Appendix N:  University notices to students


Appendix P:  Lumberjack Advertisement 1


Appendix Q:  Lumberjack Advertisement 2


Appendix R:  Lumberjack Article